Hackathon #2 Part 3

Getting To Done


In Vercel and not leaving until I have to move to VSC.

Or so I thought…


Was trying to stay in Vercel until I needed to move to VSC but:

  • There was a error with Neon setup.

  • I need a key from Open AI and there are options I need to understand in order to make a choice. And this is what I needed to know.

    • For personal projects or prototypes, using API keys owned by your personal account is fine.

    • For production or team projects, service accounts are strongly recommended to enhance security, facilitate team collaboration, and segregate billing.

    • Rotate Keys Regularly: Implement a policy for key rotation to minimize risks in case of a breach.


After spending time helping my 11 yr old with their part of this hackathon’s tasks I find myself lost in another roadblock. IDK if I can work around it or if I have to push through.

Build Completed in /vercel/output [2m]
Deploying outputs...
Error: The Edge Function "middleware" is referencing unsupported modules:
    - __vc__ns__/0/middleware.js: @/app/(auth)/auth.config

My thought is that I can work around it by ignoring it moving to VSC and fixing any issues there.

OOh kool I can work directly in GitLab with the same VSC Interface. Save memory on my device. But first I need to Add an SSH key, and personal access key, and setup a google cloud configuration


Helping other person


Back at debugging


After 2 hours 20 minutes I found the answer to one major bug! Neon db manual setup with my own an issue I did not have with Supabase earlier today.

Nothing has worked to I am settling for OPEN AI until I can figure out Google AI setup and working toward visible if not functional for my team.


Looks like I need to rip out all auth code and redo the entire thing because updates in the code world happen sooner than we all can keep up with. And this my friends is why I like building from scratch and not retrofitting old code. It just takes longer and is a whole lot of frustration when the is no support.

8 Hour Done, not feeling like a minute of the time was worth the spend.